Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cityfolk Festival/2nd Day

There were a lot more people that came into my exhibition space today. The weather was great after the dreary day yesterday. I saw a lot of people I knew and met new people that were interested in an upcoming 3-day papermaking workshop at C-J the week after next. We had another panel discussion today and I talked about my personal experience while visiting Japan. After the discussion people came over to the exhibit to see how paper was made and became familiar with the tools used and what I do with paper....books, jewelry, clothing, art pieces and calligraphy. The artpiece titled "The Messenger" was used in Cityfolk's brochure.

I received a commission to do a Dard Hunter quote...."If man has achieved a high degree of development, it is due in large part to the inventions of paper and printing than to any other factor." Dard Hunter was a historian of papermaking and in the 1930's traveled worldwide to do research. There is a paper museum in Chillicothe, Ohio, dedicated to his love of handmade paper. There is also an international organization, known as the Friends of Dard Hunter, with a diverse membership whose interest centers around handmade paper and arts and crafts. They have an upcoming paper conference in Kaoilu-Kona, Hawaii, in October, 2008.

After a few days rest, I will be preparing for my next upcoming papermaking workshop, sponsored by the Dayton Art Institute. We will be working with cotton, kozo and unbleached abacca.