Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rosie with Honorable Mention Ribbon

Town & Country Fine Art Center is the gallery that is exhibiting the
Western Ohio Watercolor Society's show until April 5, 2009.
Leonard Williams won Best of Show and I received an Honorable Mention. (If you look close you can see me hanging up my ribbon).

Western Ohio Watercolor Society's Award Ceremony

Larry Hawkins and
Sharon Stolzenberger are preparing
to give out the awards at the
member's exhibition.

David Smith stands with his painting (top left of David).
David does watercolor and ink.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I am getting my workshops underway for 2009. If you want to come and play, be inspired and have fun for a day or more, these workshops are for you. My workshops are designed to implement creative ways of encountering the soul’s inner journey through art. Painting, poetry and collage will be explored in these experiential workshops. Other components, such as music, meditation and sharing, are fashioned to enhance the creative process and play a significant role, as we examine different ways of self-expression. The spirituality and art workshops are adapted according to individual groups and length of days. Emphasis is more on process than an end result, although a finished project is oftentimes achieved. For further information, contact Rosie at

No artistic experience necessary.